Being Intentional


Nimmo Mukami
4 min readJul 9, 2019

Our commitments in life are determined by our thoughts, actions, feelings, and attitude which in turn impact our life experiences. Thus, being intentional, means we have to be authentic with ourselves and create the life we want rather than the one we think we should have.

Creating an intentional life requires owning up to who we are and taking responsibility for our spiritual, physical well being, mental and emotional state. We have to have a clear understanding of our purpose and value to free ourselves from self-limiting conditions.

On the other hand, being in a world that is hurried, hectic and busy can make you feel like you’re just getting by in life but you have to make a conscious decision to change that and allow everything that you do to be of intention.

So how do you create a life with more intention?

Take time to rest

Today we’ve become so busy that we have forgotten how rest feels and what it can do for you. Getting enough sleep will help you think clearly. Even taking a simple break from what you are doing will work magic. Being a creative like I am normally when I get stuck in a project, I step away from it and take time off and engage in something else or rest instead of trying so had to figure it out. When I come back to it, already I have a solution. You save time this way and what I have come to realize is that at times it’s not a complicated situation it’s just that your mind was tired.

Plan your day

Schedule everything from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Knowing what you are expected to do each time will allow you to be more intentional in whatever you do and help you become more productive. Design your ideal day and visualize a meaningful and productive way to spend your time.

Set Goals

Having goals whether big or small give us a sense of meaning and purpose. Goals make you focused and have a sense of direction because you have control of your life direction. You also get motivated because of the achievement you will have hence you get encouraged and put in the work to reach them.

Stay Spiritually Connected

Set aside time each day to intentionally quiet your thinking mind. Dwell in the presence of the divine whether through prayer, meditation or reading spiritual material. Practicing this both in the morning and evening will make you strong. Spread love, be compassionate and be kind. A spiritual connection will guide you to your purpose in life.

Take care of your physical well being

Your mind and body are linked, therefore, taking care of your body is taking a step toward mental and emotional health. One common way of doing this is an exercise which not only strengthens our lungs and heart but also releases a chemical known as endorphin which energizes us and lifts our mood.

Also, learning about nutrition and eating healthy will fuel your body and improve your energy levels. This does not mean dieting but developing a healthy eating habit helps you to know what foods you need to eat in moderation and what to cut back.

Appreciate the power of now

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have”
― Eckhart Tolle

Dwelling in the past is very easy but there is no better time than the present. Creating an Intentional life is about letting go of the past and focusing on what you can do right now.

“present moment holds the key to liberation.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Living in the present moment is the key to staying healthy and happy. You get to be more grounded and connected to yourself and everything around you hence the ability to deal effectively with pain, reduce stress and ability to cope with emotions like fear and anger.Pay intentional attention to your present and your life will not go by without living it

“Stay present, stay conscious. Be the ever-alert guardian of your inner space.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Don’t waste your life, Keep learning, exploring and keep living.

Be intentional in everything you do!

“Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.”
― Richie Norton



Nimmo Mukami

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